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Nielsen Cash and Rewards Desktop

      Nielsen Cash and Rewards Desktop

Earn Rewards for using the Internet! Start Earning Now!

By participating in Nielsen research, you can improve products and services you use online today. Nielsen Computer and Mobile Panel combines your unique internet usage with people like you to build a picture of internet behavior. By using the internet as you do every day, we invite you to make a difference - and you can win prizes! Nielsen gives away $10,000 each month.

Do you have a laptop, tablet or smartphone? If so, follow me on a quick trip to some easy money.

You know Nielsen, the company that tracks TV ratings? It also measures the popularity of websites and online videos.

To do that, Nielsen wants to pay you to join the Nielsen Panel and let it anonymously collect information from your favorite web-surfing device. You can earn $50 a year to browse the web like you normally do.

And best of all, this won’t slow down your phone or computer.

Of course you have a laptop, tablet or smartphone. You’re a human being in the 21st century, after all. Shoot, you’re probably reading this on one of those devices right now.

Here’s the deal:

Sign up to join the Nielsen Panel here. It’ll pay you $50 a year to keep the app on your device.

If you have a desktop or laptop computer, you’ll receive entries into the company’s $10,000 monthly sweepstakes for every month you keep Nielsen’s software installed on your computer. Every month, 400 people win prizes, with the two top prizewinners taking home $1,000 each.

Super Easy to Set up
So, I tried this out. Here’s how it went:

It was super easy.

First I registered on the website for the Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel. It took all of five minutes to fill out a brief survey with my name, the number of people in my household and what kinds of devices we use.

I was never asked for my Social Security number or bank account information or anything like that.

Then I downloaded Nielsen’s software onto my Asus laptop and my iPhone 6. I’m all set! At this point, I’m just waiting for the rewards to roll in.

For every month I have Nielsen’s app on my iPhone, doing its thing in the background, I earn points I can redeem for gift cards at places like Amazon, iTunes or Walmart. I can earn up to $50 in points by sticking with this for a year. Easy-peasy.

And for every month I keep Nielsen’s software on my laptop, I earn entries into Nielsen’s $10,000 monthly sweepstakes — 400 winners each get up to $1,000.

Thank you very much............................

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